Within the fortress of the golden body, the Lord is revealed (sggs 449). [/red/]
You may gold-fill or gold-plate facade of a building, it will survive and even make it look attractive. But, if you gold-fill or gold-plate a live human body, it will not survive. It will become a mummy. Obviously, here Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS) would not be talking about gold-filling or gold-plating one's body. Furthermore, the SGGS would not be talking about importance of one's skin color or complexion. Because, as the SGGS points out, it really does not matter the body ultimately will be lost.
Kabeer, do not bind yourself with that chain (of attachment to Maya), with which the world is bound. As the salt is lost in the flour, so willl your gold like body disappear ||117|| (sggs 1370).
Many claims (based on total hearsay, imagination or speculation) that when a person becomes Self-realized, his body literally changes to the color of the gold! It's unimaginable to think that the Infinite Wisdom of the SGGS here might be talking about superficialilty such as the color of one's skin.
Then what is it the Gurbani (SGGS) might be talking about here when it refers to the "Kanchan Kaaiaa": golden body? In this context, through the Gurbani, we will attempt to grasp the following:
1. What is "Kanchan Kaaiaa": golden body?
2. We are all born with the golden body.
3. If we are born with the golden body, then how it became disfigured?
4. How can we all reclaim our gold like radiant status back?
Number (1) will become obvious once we grasp the understanding of the number (2), (3) and (4) first. Therefore, to best understand #1, let's first try understanding # 2, #3 and #4 through the Gurbani.
We Are All Born With the Golden Body.
Yes, that's what the SGGS seems to hold. As infants, we all were born with Kanchan Kaaiaa (Kanchan = gold; and Kaaiaa = body) valuable as gold both in value and purity. Now let's pause for a moment and think about the significance of the infant state. For one, a new born infant is the epitome of self-surrender and innocence. What does it mean? To be like an infant (Baal-Budhi) means to be free of the false ego-sense or Haume. To be free of Haume means to be free of its offsprings like lust, anger, attachment, greed, pride and their numerous variations sucha as discontentment, selfishness, enviousness, stubborn-mindedness, corruption, possessiveness, slander, and so on.
The mortal's body is golden (Pure), and the soul-swan is immaculate (Pure), in which there is even tiny particle of the Immaculate Name (sggs 1256).
In the first watch of the night, O my merchant friend, your innocent mind has a childlike understanding (sggs 75).
Waheguru is the Giver of Perfect Peace to the people with Baal-Budhi (innocent-minded); O Nanak, God's Name is my support (sggs 714).
As indicated in the SGGS, the soul is the Image of God — Light of God (self-effulgent, ever fresh and young, full of Beauty and luster as gold) diffused in all which is believed to be the Essence of life and the Source of Bliss. Nothing in the body has the power to function without it. Once the soul-swan has departed and flown away, the body is medically declared dead. The soul is "Immaculate" (Pure or "Joti-Svaroopa") like the gold, encased in the body it animates. We are all born with this "infinite fortress of gold". When the soul gets superimposed with the egoism (Haume), functions of the body-mind-intellect apparatus also get tainted.
That body-horse is like gold (Pure, precious, radiant etc.), which is saddled (adorned) with the Jewel of the Name of the Lord (sggs 576).
That body is the infinite fortress of gold; which is permeated by the Infinite Shabad (sggs 1059).
Chanting God's Name and meditating on it within the fire of the womb, your life is sustained by dwelling on the Divine Name (sggs 76).
To be in the gold-like Pure state is to be saturated with the Unconditioned, Immaculate, Intact, Complete, Total, Undivided, Uunadulterated, Unalloyed, Unbroken, Timeless, Uncontaminated, Immutable or Pure Consciousness (Sabbat-Soorat) where there is no time, space and causation or past and future (Doojaa Bhaav or duality). Such a state arises when there is no attachment to the mind (egoism). As an infant, that's the state we all where born with — Pure, radiating like the gold.
Purify what is impure, and let the Lord's Presence be your religious tradition. Let your Intact Consciousness ("Saabat Soorat") be the turban on your head (sggs 1084).
God casts His Glance of Grace, O Nanak, upon those who have preserved their Spiritual Wealth (Pure Consciousness) Intact (sggs 1238).
If We Are Born With the Golden Body, Then How It Became Disfigured?
Simply put, it's the rise of the false ego-sense or Haume on the Infinite Pool of the Pure Awareness ("Joti-Svaroopa") that disfigures the golden state of the body and soul. When the soul gets superimposed with the Haume or egoism, the body also losses its golden functioning.
This golden body (Pure, Beutiful, precious etc.) has been disfigured and ruined by egotism (sggs 776).
Even though as a child each one of us is born with such precious Purity of the body and soul like the gold (i.e., "Saabat Soorat" or "Joti Svaroop etc."), however, due to the social mold and the environment one is thrown into, he ends up with the conditioned mental make-up. Then, from this conditioned body-mind-intellect personality (Haume or ego-being) arises the ego-being. In the process, we get separated from the Pure Consciousness (golden state) originally one is born with. In other words while growing up, we get programmed and trained to identify with the feeling of "mine, mine!". In this mode, side by side, false ego-sense (Haume) gets developed as we grow from infancy to adolescence. It then gets firmly-rooted after we marry and entangle in the achievement of various worldly desires. The moment physical ego becomes stronger in us, we become locked up, walled or cribbed in the prison of desires and fears. Consequently, the worldly consciousness (Haume) looks real to us. As a result, one becomes entangled in emotional attachment to his wife, children, relatives, friends, parents, and so on. Anger and greed follows the lust. Such conditioning results in false self-identifications with the time-bound consciousness (Haume), resulting in contamination of the state of Pure Being (gold-like state).
If you wish to keep your Consciousness Intact, then meditate on God; otherwise, It will break (sggs 1376).
Forgetting the Transcendent Lord (Pure Consciousness or Saabat Soorat), all sorts of illnesses are contracted (sggs 135).
As long as I walked along, carrying the burden (ego), I continued to suffer. But when I unburden myself, then I realize the Perfect Guru-God within; O Nanak, then I became fearless (sggs 214).
Continually claiming, "mine, mine", the mortals are drowned; the fools waste away and die (sggs 380).
How Can We All Reclaim our Gold Like Radiant Status Back?
"Why do I need to reclaim it back?", one may ask. Because, as the Guru's Word indicates, God is reavealed only within the golden body. So if one has the earnest desire to know God, he has to first reclaim his golden status back. Very simple!
The SGGS indicates we can reclaim the golden body back by eradicating the culprit that disfigured and ruined it in first place: Haume or false ego-sense. Perhaps now we can appreciate as to why the SGGS time and again indicates Haume to be the "greatest disease" and urges us to eradicate Haume. By abandoning this "burden" of false self-identifications with the time-bound consciousness, we can retrace our steps back to the Original gold-like state which we all were born with — Baal-Budhi, the state of no Haume or ego. How we can accomplish this is explained by the following verses (and many more throughout the SGGS).
The body becomes like gold (Pure, precious, Holy etc.), when the Satguru unites one (with God through His Teaching or Updes) (sggs 584).
Sadaa rahe kanchan si kaaiaa kaal na kabahoon biaapai: (by meditating on God) the body always remains radiant like gold and become Immortal (Sri Guru Gobind Singh, 1346).
Contemplating the Shabad, the body becomes golden (sggs 1064).
The body becomes golden, with the Shabad as its spouse (sggs1058).
That body is golden and immaculate (Pure), which is attached to the True Name of the True Lord (sggs 590).
Who has become the Gurmukh, who realizes God, his body is like gold (Pure); the Naam, the Name of the Lord, dwells deep within (sggs 1048)
Who has become the Gurmukh is permeated (with Naam), his body is golden (Pure), and his light merges into the Light of the Fearless Lord (sggs 833).
Human life is obtained only by the supreme merits; this body becomes radiant and golden when, by becoming the Gurmukh, one colors his body with the deep new color of the Lord's Name (sggs 575).
One who burns away hope and desire through the Shabad, chants the Lord's Name, and inspires others to chant it as we# ell. Through the Guru, he finds the Path to the Mansion of the Lord's Presence within. ||3|| His body becomes golden, by the Lord's Incomparable Light. He beholds the divine Beauty in all the three worlds (sggs 414).
Within the fortress of the golden body, the Lord is revealed (sggs 449).
The gold like fortress of the body is filled jewels (of Virtues divine qualities); when it is awakened by spiritual wisdom, one enshrines love for the essence of Reality (sggs 833).
(consider eight watches of the day and night as eight Khand or places, and this human body the ninth Khand) During the eight watches of the day and night (twenty-four hours), (O’ mortal !) transcend eight things [five deadly sins: lust, anger, greed, attachment, and pride) and three qualities (of the material nature or Maya: Taamas, Raajas, and Saatav)], and transcend the body-consciousness (the ninth Khand). Within the body are the Naou Nidhi (nine treasures) of the Name of the Lord - seek it there and become the ocean of Virtues. O Nanak, making the Guru their spiritual Guide, the blessed ones praise the Lord. In the fourth watch (early morning hours or Amrit Velaa), a longing arises in those of higher consciousness (exalted understanding). They become attuned or friend with those (Gurmukhs within whom is flowing the stream of Name) who have the True Name in their minds and on their lips. The Amorist (of the Name) is distributed there, and fortunate ones receive this gift. (As the gold is assayed by treating it with the process of heat, similarly, by applying the Name: Simian) the body is assayed, and take on the color of spirituality. If the Jeweler (God) casts His Glance of Grace, they are not need further heat treatment (trial, assaying, or Ghaalanaa). Throughout the other seven watches (besides the Amrit Vella) of the day, it is good to practice Truth, and sit with the spiritually wise (Gurmukhs). There, vice and virtue are discerned (judged or discriminated), and the capital of falsehood is decreased. (Because) there, the falsehood (counterfeit) is cast aside, and the Truth is cheered. Says Nanak, (there one also gets this understanding that) pain and pleasure are in the power of God, therefore it's vain to talk (or complain) about (pain etc.) ||1|| (sggs 146).
What is "Kanchan Kaaiaa": Golden Body?
Now let's sum it up as to what the "Kanchan Kaaiaa" is as indicated by the Gurbani. Essentially, it's the state of:
* Pure Consciousness, Intact Consciousness, Unconditioned Consciousness ("Joti-Svaroopa"), precious as gold, radiant as gold, etc.
* Gurmukhataa
* Perfection (Pooraa)
* The mind at Perfect Rest or Peace, beyond the bounds of time, space and causation
* The mind being linked to the Real Source or Real Center within
* Tthe mind permanently established in correct vision or outlook etc.
* Perfect spiritual Fitness
* Sahaj, Sunn, Bismaad, Immortal Bliss (Anand)
* Naam-consciousness
* Shabad-Surati
* Unbroken Awareness
* Linking of one's individual light to the Cosmic Light
* Baal-Budhi
* No Haume or ego
* Infinite Wisdom, Grace and Joy
* Inner Transformation
* Realization of God or Truth
* Unbroken Communion with the Divine
* Purity in thoughts, speech and actions etc.
* Becoming One with the Satguru (His Teaching, Updesa or Word)....
In nutshell, when one's body becomes radiant like gold, not only lips but his entire body smiles — radiating luminous rays of Grace, Wisdom, Peace and Joy. He shares unconditioned love and compassion with anyone and everyone. The innocence of a child awakens within (free of ego or Haume, worry and anxiety etc.). The world becomes Bismaad (a wonder). Indeed, to be in the Presence of such a Being situated in the elevated state of spiritual realization is to experience the best that the life has to offer.
You may gold-fill or gold-plate facade of a building, it will survive and even make it look attractive. But, if you gold-fill or gold-plate a live human body, it will not survive. It will become a mummy. Obviously, here Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS) would not be talking about gold-filling or gold-plating one's body. Furthermore, the SGGS would not be talking about importance of one's skin color or complexion. Because, as the SGGS points out, it really does not matter the body ultimately will be lost.
Kabeer, do not bind yourself with that chain (of attachment to Maya), with which the world is bound. As the salt is lost in the flour, so willl your gold like body disappear ||117|| (sggs 1370).
Many claims (based on total hearsay, imagination or speculation) that when a person becomes Self-realized, his body literally changes to the color of the gold! It's unimaginable to think that the Infinite Wisdom of the SGGS here might be talking about superficialilty such as the color of one's skin.
Then what is it the Gurbani (SGGS) might be talking about here when it refers to the "Kanchan Kaaiaa": golden body? In this context, through the Gurbani, we will attempt to grasp the following:
1. What is "Kanchan Kaaiaa": golden body?
2. We are all born with the golden body.
3. If we are born with the golden body, then how it became disfigured?
4. How can we all reclaim our gold like radiant status back?
Number (1) will become obvious once we grasp the understanding of the number (2), (3) and (4) first. Therefore, to best understand #1, let's first try understanding # 2, #3 and #4 through the Gurbani.
We Are All Born With the Golden Body.
Yes, that's what the SGGS seems to hold. As infants, we all were born with Kanchan Kaaiaa (Kanchan = gold; and Kaaiaa = body) valuable as gold both in value and purity. Now let's pause for a moment and think about the significance of the infant state. For one, a new born infant is the epitome of self-surrender and innocence. What does it mean? To be like an infant (Baal-Budhi) means to be free of the false ego-sense or Haume. To be free of Haume means to be free of its offsprings like lust, anger, attachment, greed, pride and their numerous variations sucha as discontentment, selfishness, enviousness, stubborn-mindedness, corruption, possessiveness, slander, and so on.
The mortal's body is golden (Pure), and the soul-swan is immaculate (Pure), in which there is even tiny particle of the Immaculate Name (sggs 1256).
In the first watch of the night, O my merchant friend, your innocent mind has a childlike understanding (sggs 75).
Waheguru is the Giver of Perfect Peace to the people with Baal-Budhi (innocent-minded); O Nanak, God's Name is my support (sggs 714).
As indicated in the SGGS, the soul is the Image of God — Light of God (self-effulgent, ever fresh and young, full of Beauty and luster as gold) diffused in all which is believed to be the Essence of life and the Source of Bliss. Nothing in the body has the power to function without it. Once the soul-swan has departed and flown away, the body is medically declared dead. The soul is "Immaculate" (Pure or "Joti-Svaroopa") like the gold, encased in the body it animates. We are all born with this "infinite fortress of gold". When the soul gets superimposed with the egoism (Haume), functions of the body-mind-intellect apparatus also get tainted.
That body-horse is like gold (Pure, precious, radiant etc.), which is saddled (adorned) with the Jewel of the Name of the Lord (sggs 576).
That body is the infinite fortress of gold; which is permeated by the Infinite Shabad (sggs 1059).
Chanting God's Name and meditating on it within the fire of the womb, your life is sustained by dwelling on the Divine Name (sggs 76).
To be in the gold-like Pure state is to be saturated with the Unconditioned, Immaculate, Intact, Complete, Total, Undivided, Uunadulterated, Unalloyed, Unbroken, Timeless, Uncontaminated, Immutable or Pure Consciousness (Sabbat-Soorat) where there is no time, space and causation or past and future (Doojaa Bhaav or duality). Such a state arises when there is no attachment to the mind (egoism). As an infant, that's the state we all where born with — Pure, radiating like the gold.
Purify what is impure, and let the Lord's Presence be your religious tradition. Let your Intact Consciousness ("Saabat Soorat") be the turban on your head (sggs 1084).
God casts His Glance of Grace, O Nanak, upon those who have preserved their Spiritual Wealth (Pure Consciousness) Intact (sggs 1238).
If We Are Born With the Golden Body, Then How It Became Disfigured?
Simply put, it's the rise of the false ego-sense or Haume on the Infinite Pool of the Pure Awareness ("Joti-Svaroopa") that disfigures the golden state of the body and soul. When the soul gets superimposed with the Haume or egoism, the body also losses its golden functioning.
This golden body (Pure, Beutiful, precious etc.) has been disfigured and ruined by egotism (sggs 776).
Even though as a child each one of us is born with such precious Purity of the body and soul like the gold (i.e., "Saabat Soorat" or "Joti Svaroop etc."), however, due to the social mold and the environment one is thrown into, he ends up with the conditioned mental make-up. Then, from this conditioned body-mind-intellect personality (Haume or ego-being) arises the ego-being. In the process, we get separated from the Pure Consciousness (golden state) originally one is born with. In other words while growing up, we get programmed and trained to identify with the feeling of "mine, mine!". In this mode, side by side, false ego-sense (Haume) gets developed as we grow from infancy to adolescence. It then gets firmly-rooted after we marry and entangle in the achievement of various worldly desires. The moment physical ego becomes stronger in us, we become locked up, walled or cribbed in the prison of desires and fears. Consequently, the worldly consciousness (Haume) looks real to us. As a result, one becomes entangled in emotional attachment to his wife, children, relatives, friends, parents, and so on. Anger and greed follows the lust. Such conditioning results in false self-identifications with the time-bound consciousness (Haume), resulting in contamination of the state of Pure Being (gold-like state).
If you wish to keep your Consciousness Intact, then meditate on God; otherwise, It will break (sggs 1376).
Forgetting the Transcendent Lord (Pure Consciousness or Saabat Soorat), all sorts of illnesses are contracted (sggs 135).
As long as I walked along, carrying the burden (ego), I continued to suffer. But when I unburden myself, then I realize the Perfect Guru-God within; O Nanak, then I became fearless (sggs 214).
Continually claiming, "mine, mine", the mortals are drowned; the fools waste away and die (sggs 380).
How Can We All Reclaim our Gold Like Radiant Status Back?
"Why do I need to reclaim it back?", one may ask. Because, as the Guru's Word indicates, God is reavealed only within the golden body. So if one has the earnest desire to know God, he has to first reclaim his golden status back. Very simple!
The SGGS indicates we can reclaim the golden body back by eradicating the culprit that disfigured and ruined it in first place: Haume or false ego-sense. Perhaps now we can appreciate as to why the SGGS time and again indicates Haume to be the "greatest disease" and urges us to eradicate Haume. By abandoning this "burden" of false self-identifications with the time-bound consciousness, we can retrace our steps back to the Original gold-like state which we all were born with — Baal-Budhi, the state of no Haume or ego. How we can accomplish this is explained by the following verses (and many more throughout the SGGS).
The body becomes like gold (Pure, precious, Holy etc.), when the Satguru unites one (with God through His Teaching or Updes) (sggs 584).
Sadaa rahe kanchan si kaaiaa kaal na kabahoon biaapai: (by meditating on God) the body always remains radiant like gold and become Immortal (Sri Guru Gobind Singh, 1346).
Contemplating the Shabad, the body becomes golden (sggs 1064).
The body becomes golden, with the Shabad as its spouse (sggs1058).
That body is golden and immaculate (Pure), which is attached to the True Name of the True Lord (sggs 590).
Who has become the Gurmukh, who realizes God, his body is like gold (Pure); the Naam, the Name of the Lord, dwells deep within (sggs 1048)
Who has become the Gurmukh is permeated (with Naam), his body is golden (Pure), and his light merges into the Light of the Fearless Lord (sggs 833).
Human life is obtained only by the supreme merits; this body becomes radiant and golden when, by becoming the Gurmukh, one colors his body with the deep new color of the Lord's Name (sggs 575).
One who burns away hope and desire through the Shabad, chants the Lord's Name, and inspires others to chant it as we# ell. Through the Guru, he finds the Path to the Mansion of the Lord's Presence within. ||3|| His body becomes golden, by the Lord's Incomparable Light. He beholds the divine Beauty in all the three worlds (sggs 414).
Within the fortress of the golden body, the Lord is revealed (sggs 449).
The gold like fortress of the body is filled jewels (of Virtues divine qualities); when it is awakened by spiritual wisdom, one enshrines love for the essence of Reality (sggs 833).
(consider eight watches of the day and night as eight Khand or places, and this human body the ninth Khand) During the eight watches of the day and night (twenty-four hours), (O’ mortal !) transcend eight things [five deadly sins: lust, anger, greed, attachment, and pride) and three qualities (of the material nature or Maya: Taamas, Raajas, and Saatav)], and transcend the body-consciousness (the ninth Khand). Within the body are the Naou Nidhi (nine treasures) of the Name of the Lord - seek it there and become the ocean of Virtues. O Nanak, making the Guru their spiritual Guide, the blessed ones praise the Lord. In the fourth watch (early morning hours or Amrit Velaa), a longing arises in those of higher consciousness (exalted understanding). They become attuned or friend with those (Gurmukhs within whom is flowing the stream of Name) who have the True Name in their minds and on their lips. The Amorist (of the Name) is distributed there, and fortunate ones receive this gift. (As the gold is assayed by treating it with the process of heat, similarly, by applying the Name: Simian) the body is assayed, and take on the color of spirituality. If the Jeweler (God) casts His Glance of Grace, they are not need further heat treatment (trial, assaying, or Ghaalanaa). Throughout the other seven watches (besides the Amrit Vella) of the day, it is good to practice Truth, and sit with the spiritually wise (Gurmukhs). There, vice and virtue are discerned (judged or discriminated), and the capital of falsehood is decreased. (Because) there, the falsehood (counterfeit) is cast aside, and the Truth is cheered. Says Nanak, (there one also gets this understanding that) pain and pleasure are in the power of God, therefore it's vain to talk (or complain) about (pain etc.) ||1|| (sggs 146).
What is "Kanchan Kaaiaa": Golden Body?
Now let's sum it up as to what the "Kanchan Kaaiaa" is as indicated by the Gurbani. Essentially, it's the state of:
* Pure Consciousness, Intact Consciousness, Unconditioned Consciousness ("Joti-Svaroopa"), precious as gold, radiant as gold, etc.
* Gurmukhataa
* Perfection (Pooraa)
* The mind at Perfect Rest or Peace, beyond the bounds of time, space and causation
* The mind being linked to the Real Source or Real Center within
* Tthe mind permanently established in correct vision or outlook etc.
* Perfect spiritual Fitness
* Sahaj, Sunn, Bismaad, Immortal Bliss (Anand)
* Naam-consciousness
* Shabad-Surati
* Unbroken Awareness
* Linking of one's individual light to the Cosmic Light
* Baal-Budhi
* No Haume or ego
* Infinite Wisdom, Grace and Joy
* Inner Transformation
* Realization of God or Truth
* Unbroken Communion with the Divine
* Purity in thoughts, speech and actions etc.
* Becoming One with the Satguru (His Teaching, Updesa or Word)....
In nutshell, when one's body becomes radiant like gold, not only lips but his entire body smiles — radiating luminous rays of Grace, Wisdom, Peace and Joy. He shares unconditioned love and compassion with anyone and everyone. The innocence of a child awakens within (free of ego or Haume, worry and anxiety etc.). The world becomes Bismaad (a wonder). Indeed, to be in the Presence of such a Being situated in the elevated state of spiritual realization is to experience the best that the life has to offer.